Private Equity


Private Equity Advisors

The Bonadio Group helps you navigate tax complexity confidently. Our Private Equity Team combines audit and tax experts, investment bankers, transaction professionals, and business advisors. From annual compliance needs to transaction support, we’re here to help. Our professionals ensure industry-leading compliance.

Who We Serve

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The Bonadio Group

Private Equity Services

The Bonadio Group offers a robust suite of services to capital providers and their portfolio companies, including:

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The Bonadio Group

Transaction Advisory Services

We specialize in all aspects of middle market M&A transactions, including:

  • Buy-Side Financial Diligence/Quality of Earnings
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Other Ancillary Transaction Support
  • Sell-Side Financial Diligence/Quality of Earnings Tax Diligence Transaction Structuring
  • Target Integration
Bonadio Transaction Advisory

Middle Market Guide to Quality of Earnings Guide

In the world of middle-market mergers and acquisitions (M&A), “Quality of Earnings Reports,” or “QoEs,” hold significant importance for potential sellers, potential buyers, and other stakeholders. Despite the critical role that QoE reports play in M&A transactions, most business owners are not familiar with them. This guide will teach you the basics of QoEs, describing what they entail, when they occur, who requires them, and why they are essential in today’s middle-market M&A landscape.

The guide is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction to Quality of Earnings Reports
  • What to Expect in a Quality of Earnings Engagement
  • Common Quality of Earnings Adjustments
  • Quality of Earnings vs. Financial Statement Audits – What’s The Difference?
  • The Importance of Net Working Capital in Quality of Earnings
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Investment Banking Resource Page

Visit our Investment Banking Resource page for a comprehensive compilation of Investment Banking and Transaction Advisory articles.

Private Equity

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