Reduce Tax Burden & Plan For Major Deductions
We are dedicated to supporting Labor Unions and multiemployer benefit plans. Our labor practice experts support a wide range of services and bring various designated talents to one of the largest and most diverse Labor Union clients in the United States. We understand the regulatory and compliance requirements labor unions face, and we have no competing individual tax reporting deadlines, such as April 15.
Who We Serve
- Building Trade Unions
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Public & Private Unions

Deep Expertise, Specialization, & Experience
Our specialized team focuses solely on labor and their Taft-Hartley benefit plans. Providing comprehensive resources to our labor clients is our top priority, and we take pride in doing so. For over 45 years, we have consulted with every Building Trade Labor Union or Taft-Hartley Plan.
- Annual Audits In Compliance With ERISA & DOL Regulations
- Health Claim Reviews
- Operational Reviews & Internal Control Risk Assessments
- Payroll Compliance Audits
We Save Labor Organizations Time & Money
We have a long history of lowering costs, uncovering efficiencies, and delivering outstanding results. Among the traits and abilities that set us apart:
- We employ and train the most talented people who use best-in-class technology to lessen the burden on your people during the annual audit process.
- We build efficiency models that save clients’ money and allow them to be more transparent and accountable in their organizations.
- We perform contractual reviews of service providers and facilitate requests for proposals.

What Our Clients Have to Say

“We rely on The Bonadio Group for auditing and consulting and their commitment to helping us meet our service deadlines. When we had problems, Bonadio accepted us as clients and helped us resolve them for the benefit of the members.”

We Go Above & Beyond
We know the challenges that local, national, and international labor unions face and are at the forefront of emerging issues to help protect your members, participants, and their benefits. We do this through consulting services, which include:
- Benchmarking: Work Assessments, Administration Cost Comparisons, & Service Providers
- Client Education Seminars
- Hiring & Training Your Staff
- Internal Control Evaluations