Legal Update- Change to NYS Charitable Solicitation Regulations

By Jennifer Arbore, on May 20th, 2019

In an attempt to continue to expand consumer protection initiatives and transparency in the charitable giving area, New York State has expanded the requirements for organizations who are registered to solicit charitable contributions in New York State.

On March 21, 2019, New York Assembly Bill 2688B was signed by the Governor which amended Section 174-b of the New York State Executive Law. This amendment requires that any solicitation, including solicitations by professional fund raisers or professional solicitors on behalf of a charitable organization, must now include a statement that specifies the website and telephone number of the New York State Office of the Attorney General Charities Bureau (, phone # 212-416-8401). This is an expansion of the existing requirement in which a charitable entity must make a general statement that a copy of its latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the organization or from New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau.

While this may appear to be a trivial modification it will require most charities to modify the language found on all current fundraising materials in order to comply with the new law.

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