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Healthcare Services

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Healthcare industry accountants

We Know Healthcare Finances

Are you looking for a reliable partner to help your healthcare organization achieve its mission? Our team of highly skilled healthcare professionals has worked with thousands of healthcare organizations just like yours. We specialize in navigating the complex healthcare landscape and can help you comply with new regulations, reduce your tax burden, and explore new care models. With our expertise and experience, you can identify the risks and opportunities of every change within the healthcare industry.

We provide accounting, audit, consulting, and tax services to healthcare organizations.

Who We Serve

At The Bonadio Group, we are led by proactive problem solvers who bring a unique passion and approach to our work—as a top-ranked national accounting and advisory firm, we are committed to actively listening to our clients and collaborating with them to develop tailored solutions for their financial and business needs.

Since 1978, clients have relied on us as trusted strategic and community-focused advisors who deeply understand their businesses and priorities. Our client’s success is the cornerstone of everything we do.

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Diagnostic & Treatment Centers

We offer innovative solutions to technical and financial challenges, to maximize productivity and tax savings.

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Hospital & Health Systems

Innovation, sustainability, and cost management will shape the future of hospitals and health systems. We provide clarity through complexity.

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Senior Services

Bonadio provides proactive assurance, tax and advisory solutions for Nursing Home and Senior Care Living organizations.

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The Bonadio Group

Healthcare Services

We provide traditional audit and tax services and value-added consulting for healthcare entities. Operating one of the largest healthcare practices in New York State and serving clients across the US, we have a complete suite of strategies, tools, and tactics to address even the most complex issues.

Our value-add consulting services include the following:

  • Cost Containment & Savings Strategies
  • Cost Reporting & Reimbursement Consulting
  • Forecasting & Feasibility Studies
  • IT Security, Compliance, & Testing
  • Merger, Affiliation & Acquisition Facilitation & Due Diligence
  • Receivables Solutions
  • Regulatory Compliance Reviews
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Your Success & More

The Bonadio Difference

We combine technical expertise with a keen understanding of our clients’ businesses. Our team is composed of recognized individuals in the Healthcare field and is one of the nation’s largest and most experienced teams. Some of the traits and abilities that set us apart:

  • Certified Managed Care Professionals
  • Extensive Experience Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIA) Requirements
  • Extensive healthcare Training Provided Annually
  • Fellow of the Healthcare Financial Management Association
  • IRO Qualified in Compliance
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Industry Affiliations

Bonadio Recognized in the Industry

Our decades of expertise are shown through the industry accreditations we have earned.


Bonadio Healthcare in Focus

Bonadio Healthcare in Focus is a series of short videos and snippets designed to give you the information you need now about important topics impacting the healthcare industry, your organization, & more.

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Team Leaders

Main Contacts