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Healthcare Consulting

Strategic HEALTHCARE Advisors

Maximizes Fiscal Health & Compliance

We offer Advisory Healthcare Consulting to all healthcare entities in the Northeast, including hospitals, health systems, private practices, and senior services (both not-for-profit and for-profit). Bonadio regularly provides services and consultations on reimbursement, rate reviews, third-party calculations, certificates of need, benchmarking, and compliance analysis on public health laws for minimum staffing and direct resident care spending requirements. The team is also an expert witness for OMIG audits, grant writing, regulatory compliance, and feasibility studies.

Who We Serve

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We Know Healthcare Finances

Bonadio's Healthcare Services

Our expertise includes:

  • Maximizing Reimbursements
  • Leveraging Forecast & Projection Models
  • Analyzing Historical Data
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies to Ensure You Make The Right Strategic Expansion Decisions For The Future


Consulting services include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Certificates
  • Expert Witness Litigation Support
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Forecasts & Projections
  • Grant Writing to Obtain Requested Funding
  • M&A
  • Medicare & Medicaid Cost Reporting
  • Rate Reviews Reimbursement Consulting
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Representation before OMIG
  • Third-Party Calculations
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We help you drive growth & reduce risk

The Bonadio Group Accreditations

Our decades of expertise are shown through the industry accreditations we have earned over the years.

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