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Employee Benefit Audit

Technology-Enabled Employee Benefit Plan Audits

Experience Peace Of Mind This Audit Season

At Bonadio, our specialized professionals can help you meet your employee benefit audit and the required plan’s annual audit and filing requirements. We provide high-quality employee benefit plan audit and compliance consulting services to ensure your plan sponsor complies with all regulatory requirements.

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Employee Benefit Plan Resources

How to Select a Quality Auditor

U.S. Department of Labor: This guide will assist you, as plan administrator, in selecting an auditor and reviewing the audit work and report.

How to Prepare For Your Audit

First-year audits will undoubtedly present challenges to the plan sponsor and auditor. The tips in this article will ensure the process is as painless as possible. 

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Innovative Technologies & Expertise

We Know Where the Risk Lies

Smaller plans that don’t require an independent audit will likely have errors and compliance issues that can lead to costly corrections. We perform customized procedures to target the areas most likely to have mistakes and fiduciary risks so that you can correct them before the regulators or litigators come calling. The depth of our experience runs across our entire firm, including:

Explore How We Can Work Together

Above & Beyond Traditional Audits

Beyond traditional benefit plan audits, we can also assist in the following areas:
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With Decades Of Specialization, Our Experience Speaks For Itself

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