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“In the beginning, the greatest benefit we saw with Bonadio was the outsourcing model. They took over some of those transactions for us, which helped […]
This session provided an in-depth exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the banking sector, focusing on the risks and opportunities associated with the […]
This interactive panel explored the multifaceted risks confronting higher education today.
This webinar session addressed the trends in commercial lending and adapting loan documentation to meet the changes in the lending market. Presenters discussed commercial […]
Session Summary: A roundtable discussion surrounding effective, actionable and measurable information protection and the impacts, good and negative, of such controls. Presenters discussed where key […]
Session Summary: This session provided a recap of what your organization’s compliance program should have accomplished during 2023 and key areas to focus on for […]
Session Summary: This session reviewed the most impactful provisions of the Secure 2.0 Act chronologically to ensure attendees left knowing what will be changing, and […]
Session Summary: This strategic advisory webinar was designed to help participants make more informed, strategic business recommendations by conducting impact analysis and adopting an analytical […]
Session Summary: This session discussed regulatory changes that impact providers, CFR Reporting updates, the NYS Budget, and how proposed changes to reimbursement of services and […]
Session Summary: This session discussed the current economic and investment environment and key considerations to address with non-profit management teams and their boards. (CPE is […]
Session Summary: This session addressed accounting standards affecting all Not-For-Profit organizations. (CPE is only granted for attending the live session.) Presented by: Gail McIntyre, Partner
Session Summary: Navigating the Fair Value Framework for Financial Reporting can be complex for NFPs. This session provided an overview of the Fair Value Framework […]